5 Meeting Room Etiquettes for a Successful Meeting

Learn the top 5 meeting room rules to make every meeting run smoothly and successfully.

5 Meeting Room Etiquettes for a Successful Meeting
October 30, 2024Community Community

You got your presentation ready, a laptop in one hand and a client beside the other. You opened the door, and the meeting room turned out to be a mere mess. How would you handle that situation? Will you play the blame game? Simply walk inside and wait for the on-site staff to clean up? Cut to an hour later, you leave the meeting room as is. Leaving the mess for the on-site staff to deal with, and the cycle continues.

To avoid such a situation, one needs to implement meeting room etiquette in a coworking space. What is meeting room etiquette, you may ask? These etiquettes are guidelines. Guidelines ensure that each member gets the chance to utilize the space to the fullest, leading to a successful meeting.

And no, we're not talking about not being too loud in the room or closing the door when leaving. Those are just basic human manners. We are talking about the technical details of meeting room etiquette that one may not ponder on much.

So here are our 5 meeting room etiquette that lead to a productive and successful meeting every single time. Let's get started, shall we?

Book Your Meeting Room Beforehand

We know that creativity can strike at any time. And you may need to hop on a meeting to discuss the idea with your teammates for a few minutes. However, it would be unfair to the other team members in the shared office space who had already reserved the space in advance.

To avoid such clashes, our first meeting room etiquette is to book the meeting room in advance. You’ll be able to use the room in that specific time frame and won't miss out on any meetings, leading to a rescheduling. 

Schedule and Cancel Your Bookings Early

When an idea strikes you or an interview with a potential client is confirmed, book the room as soon as possible. This way you’ll make sure that you get the room when you need it, leading to a successful meeting.

Another meeting room etiquette is to also cancel the booking early if required. If your interview has been delayed, there's no point in keeping an empty room booked. Other team members could have collaborated and worked on their productivity in that space. So, in either case, book or cancel as soon as possible.

Wrap up and Leave on Time

When booking a meeting room, make sure that you're booking enough time to successfully carry out the meeting. And whether you have discussed all your important project points or not, keep an eye on the clock. As soon as the clock strikes your ending time, leave the meeting room promptly. Especially when there are back-to-back meetings.

Not only that, make sure you don't leave a mess behind. If you have used something in the room, put it back where it once belonged. If you bring a coffee cup, take it with you, and if there is something to be thrown away, then do that as well. This is one of the meeting room etiquettes that one shouldn't skip. As it shows a sign of respect for other team members' time and space.

Avoid Double Booking

Double booking is simply a human error, and no one does it on purpose. So it's okay, but try your best to avoid it as well. Again, it's all about respecting others' time and space. So if you book multiple meeting rooms in the coworking spaces, you're dismissing an opportunity for other members to collaborate.

One can avoid double booking by using coworking platforms like The Coworking Spaces. You can view the schedule, identify open slots, and cancel any bookings with both our app and the website platform.

Coordinate with The Needs of Those Around You

Another meeting room etiquette tip that most people overlook is to be considerate and accommodating to your coworkers. Try to keep the noise low and the door closed, and utilize as much of the room as you require.

For instance, if you have rented a meeting room that can accommodate 10 people but only 2 are using it, consider switching to a smaller meeting room. Especially when your other coworking members kindly request to do so. This creates a sense of consideration among fellow coworking members.

Wrapping it up!

In a busy setting like a coworking space, it is important to observe meeting room etiquette to ensure a respectful and constructive experience for all. These rules—for instance, making reservations, arriving on time, and considering others—can create a conducive environment for all the members.

So, when preparing for your next meeting, remember these etiquette guidelines. These not only reflect your professionalism but also the efficacy of the meetings you host.

Want to organize your meetings more effectively? Check out The Coworking Spaces. We provide coworking services that any business owner can use. This platform allows you to connect with other entrepreneurial-minded individuals. 

Hire a meeting room of your choice and get ready to work for the next meeting!